My Story

How I Started the Blog

I started this blog in 2023 with a purpose to share new ideas and products to make the lives easier for parents looking to understand what to purchase for their child’s upcoming sports season. The inspiration came from my wonderful wife who had also started a blog of her own. This idea came to me, throughout many late night Google searches of products my wife and I were looking for. Or simply just reading up on reviews of products that we were looking to purchase for our children’s different upcoming sports seasons. I was able to learn so much from my research, but at the same time it was extremely time consuming.

How my wife and I met?

I am grateful every day to be married to my beautiful supporting wife Lindsey. We originally met back in the fall of 2008, as I received a call from a mutual friend if I could pick her and a friend up from a bar. The other friend ended up being Lindsey. Fast forward to the fall of 2010, my wife and I were paired up in the same mutual friend’s wedding to walk down the aisle together. I forgot to mention the mutual friend we had ended up marrying one of my good friends growing up. We were both single at the time and ended up dancing all night together and having a lot of fun. However, at the time we were living about two hours away from each other in Michigan. About two months later, we ended up going on our first date (Detroit Tigers game) and had a blast. The next day I was leaving for a guy’s trip and ended up texting her all weekend. The following weekend she drove out to see me and we officially started dating.

We dated for almost two years, before we decided that if the relationship was going to work, one of us was going to have to make the move. I ended up getting a job offer in the Greater Detroit Area where she was living at the time. It made the most sense as both of our families were from the Detroit Area. We ended up getting engaged in the Fall of 2012 and married in January 2014 with beautiful winter wedding in Michigan. It ended up snowing 12 inches the night of our wedding.

Our Family

My wife and I have 3 beautiful children (two boys and a girl). Our kids range from 2 to 8 and everyday is eventful with them. Everyday brings another great experience that neither one of us would trade for the world. All of our kids are very active in many different sports and love to be outside during the day. At night there is nothing more than our kids love to do than either to read a good book with mom and dad or cuddle up on the weekends to watch a family movie or sporting event outside. From our family to yours, we hope this blog brings a lot of insights to different sports equipment in the market. Nothing is going to be perfect, but hopefully you find some useful products and tips to help in your next search.